Pat Hail, Jr, a pastor for many years, now serves as an “ordained” construction project manager. He has served as a youth pastor, Senior pastor, Church Stewardship advisor, and construction worker. We talk about all these positions and how they have shaped him as a believer, a pastor, and a father. We take the time to discuss Pat’s journey towards a more complete understanding of the Holy Spirit and how that has effected his faith, outlook on others and reaction to current and future events. He ends by giving us some practical advice on how to avoid future financial instability and burnout.
Books suggested by Pat:
Systematic Theology Vol VI: Pneumatology- Lewis Sperry Chafer
The God I Never Knew- Robert Morris
Practicing the Power- Sam Storms
The Treasure Principle- Randy Alcorn
The Little Red Book of Wisdom- Thomas Nelson
Youth Aflame- Winkie Pratney
Janet Five:
Eat Right
Read the Word
Get plenty of Rest
Episode Originally Aired Dec 17, 2019