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The Keys To Being A Bold Disciple of Christ- Shayna Rattler- Episode 117

"We must to be in alignment with His Will, His Ways, and His Word." - Shayna Rattler

Today’s Guest is Shayna Rattler. Shayna is an author and speaker and founder of A God Shift Movement. You will hear that she Shayna doesn’t do timid. She is bold disciple of Christ and speaks highly of her Jesus and His power! Shayna and I chat about how we can step into the Kingdom Authority promised to us in scripture, the keys to elevating God’s position in our lives and hearts, what the world says about manifestation and what the Bible has to say about it, and what we can do when God doesn’t gives us a clear path forward or 3 easy step to fulfilling our purpose!

Are you ready to be a disciple that steps out with a holy boldness? This episode is going to inspire you to head in that direction!

To watch the video head over to the Youtube Video

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