Farewell, Thank You and New Beginnings- Courtney Lowman- Episode 150
Disciple-making: An Anecdote to Shallow Faith- Bobby Harrington- Episode 149
Choosing Adoption- The Ultimate Act of Love- Laura Bruder- Episode 148
Becoming a Ladder-Holding Leader- Katie Reid- Episode 144
Biblical Conflict Resolution- Courtney Lowman- Episode 143
Loving Your Parents As An Adult- Courtney Lowman- Episode 142
How to Practice Being Still with Scripture Meditation- Jodie Niznik- Episode 137
Generational Discipleship: Entrust Panel- Jennifer Porras, Tracy Steel, & Margi Galloway- Episode129
5 Attributes of Effective Discipleship- Courtney Lowman- Episode 128
Discipleship in the World of Podcasting- Eric Nevins- Episode 125
Discipling Leaders in a Broken World- 2 Timothy- Pat Hail, Jr.- Episode 121
Healing From Church Hurt & Trusting God Again- Emily Louis- Episode 119
Stop Trying to Earn God's Love and Trust- Melissa Spoelstra- Episode 114
What If God's Vision Doesn't Match Yours?- Eric & Meagan VanSchoonhoven- Episode 111
The Shackles of Disorganization- Jennifer Ford Berry- Episode 110
Setting Sabbath Rhythms That Stick- Amber Cullum- Episode 108
Don't Disqualify Yourself, Saying Yes or No- Courtney Lowman- Episode 98
The Abortion Crisis Meets Compassion- Jonathan DeVore- Episode 93
Episode 76: Brenna Stull- Shifting from Frazzled to Fun
Episode 75: Dana Yeakley- The Gentle Art of Discipleship